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- CNPJ: 09.412.078/0001-98
Unsightly growths are commonly called warts. They have an irregular shape and a bumpy surface. They do not cause pain, but the surrounding skin is constantly inflamed. It is caused by HPV (human papillomavirus). It is estimated that currently about 10% of the total population may be infected with the virus. Children, adolescents, and people with reduced general immunity are especially often ill. Some warts disappear on their own after they appear.
Traditional treatment methods mainly consist of chemical burning of warts, cryotherapy sessions and surgical intervention. However, there are also a number of home remedies for warts. Below are the most popular ones.
1. You can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications. However, such therapy takes a little longer – about 6-8 weeks. Traditionally, treatment methods are used, including cauterization of warts with various preparations of salicylic acid or lactic acid.
2. The second possible over-the-counter medicine is a drug that freezes warts. When using the drug, the wart disappears by itself after about 10-14 days.
3. You can also be treated with famous herbs. Celandine is especially good for warts. Cut off the stems and squeeze out the milky juice, which should be used to treat the affected areas 2-3 times a day.
4. If you do not have access to fresh herbs, you can always use tinctures or ready-made herbs: celandine and mountain celandine. Mix these two substances and apply daily, irrigating the affected area 3 times a day.
5. Calendula ointment also has a mild effect on warts. It can be applied to particularly sensitive areas, such as the skin of the face.
6. Dandelion, aloe vera and milkweed also have a killing effect on warts. However, when using these particular herbs, especially dandelion and milkweed, special care should be taken.
7. Oils can also be useful, such as tea tree oil, clove oil, or lavender oil. Rub the oil about 3 times a day until the lesions disappear or the skin condition improves.
8. You can also use compresses of apple cider vinegar or lactic acid. Before starting treatment, protect the skin around the wart by applying a thick layer of petroleum jelly or regular fatty oil to it.
9. If warts have arisen as a result of metabolic disorders, it is worth starting to introduce a drink of apple cider vinegar sweetened with honey into your diet. This will help get rid of warts and prevent their recurrence.
10. The use of vitamin A allows the area affected by the wart to heal. Squeeze the vitamin onto the wart and rub it vigorously at least three times a day.
11. Vitamin C has a similar effect. Crush the tablet and mix it with the cream. Lubricate the wart, and then cover everything with a plaster or bandage. Treatment can last up to several months.
12. Pure castor oil can give slightly faster results. It will help to suppress the multiplication of viruses and thereby accelerate healing and treatment. Order effexor online, effexor xr price cheap.